Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Costs of Canal Repair: UNCOUNTABLE???

The Aqueduct at Point Pleasant: 2.5 million
The Lock at New Hope (Lock #11): 1 million

FEMA Involvement after the 3 floods of 2004-2006

The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) assessment is completed at last. The agency has unofficially set the cost of repairing the flood damage at $22 million. The official approval is expected soon. Federal funds will cover 75% of the total; the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is expected to supply the remaining 25% ($5.5 million). Meanwhile $200,000 in fed- eral funds has been released for use by the State already, with $3 million to follow in the next few months. (Friends of The Delaware Canal, Canal News, Autumn 2005

Published: Monday, March 16, 2009, 11:04 PM  
NEW HOPE, Pa. -- About $40 million in federal and state funds is being spent to repair three seasons' worth of flood damage inflicted on the Delaware Canal. Although the work is moving along, canoe owners and fisherman will not be putting their gear in the water anytime soon...Contracts of more than $19 million were awarded to rebuild heavily devastated areas to the canal near Easton and in Upper Bucks County.
The $30 million from FEMA and the $10 million in state funds for the flood project are welcomed by communities along the canal. Unfortunately for them, there is still much maintenance and repair work to be done that has been stalled for years. Given the condition of the Pennsylvania budget, there is little reason to expect a large infusion of capital funds.
Budgets insufficient to carry out maintenance or capital projects have been the rule as the canal bed, its banks, flood gates and locks continued to deteriorate for years.(;

The coffer dam at Centre Bridge that is used to hold pumped water in the section of the Canal used by the New Hope Canal Boat Ride was washed away and is in the process of being rebuilt by Park personnel. (Friends of The Delaware Canal Newsletter;

Published: July 19, 2010
Following a $29 million flood repair project that took two-and-a-half years to complete, the historic Delaware Canal State Park will reopen this week with a celebration at the Forks of the Delaware Recreation Area in Easton. (Bucks Local News

Excuse me, but how long exactly would it take for any one person to count to a million? Can anyone reading this conceive of such numbers? 

Naturally, that depends on how fast you can count. But if you can count from 1 to 100 in one minute, and you keep counting every minute, without stopping, for eight hours every day (taking time off to eat, sleep, and go to school), you would reach 1,000,000 in 20 days, 6 hours, and 40 minutes, or almost 3 weeks. 
If, however, you give up eating, sleeping, and school, and just count every minute of every hour of every day, you would reach 1,000,000 in 6 days, 22 hours, and 40 minutes, almost 1 week.(

This is our taxpayer money.  You and I pay money to The State whether you are a home owner, a renter, an employer or an employee in Pennsylvania. Don't you want a say if you know that your dollars are being wasted, or being used merely for the sake of appearances and then the death of local wildlife?
This year, 2011, the DCNR has $27,000,000 at its disposal from The State to be used to pay its employees and for the management and repair of its parks and the canal system. We need to be able to have a say in whether they fix the canal properly this time before it is refilled, or whether the past is repeated again and again.



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