Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Today it is the first of June.  There are again many, many millions of animals that have died in the canal as of the past month or two.  This time the reason was the minor flood two months ago in March 2011 when the locks were opened to fill the Delaware Canal to take pressure off of the lower portion of the  Delaware River towns.  As well, the river overflowed its banks in the various northern portions of the canal.  But because the locks were opened, turtles and fish and snails and snakes were swept into the unkempt and never-repaired canal which cannot retain its water. Some water with its living cargo was swept southward past Center Bridge and then dried up and the rest was pushed to New Hope where the animals are still dying at this moment. 
This is the 6th year that volunteers have gone into the canal, night and day, to attempt to save the turtles and fish that cannot escape.  River Road is a dangerous roadway for any animal that tries to make a break for the river and the rest of the animals are unable to leave at all and just suffocate to death.  The heat of summer has already kicked in and there is no way for them to survive under the burning sun, especially in two inches of water.  More people are needed to help scoop the living ones out all the way to Odettes, and we need people to attend some very poignant meetings to prevent this from happening time and time again.